Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dressen Interview

Ahh yeah, I forgot to mention, I've lined up an interview with Eric D for the

If you have any questions, post them up here. But I'll be doing that shit in the next couple of days, so don't sleep.

That's my hairy ass leg he's scribbling on right there.

Catch up

Shit man, back to life,back to reality...Straight back into the mix of things at work for me. Photos of the last couple of weeks are starting to appear in my inbox - mostly messy. I'll start with the easy stuff - this pic was from 1 nights worth or partying at the hotel. There seemed to be a wristband for every couple of hours. No complaints here though - most of the time those gems accounted for free alcohol and food. Amongst other things, dudes would drop of bags of Asahi and Monster energy drink in your room every day while you were out. We're talking litre cans of beer too.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Two things I learnt real quick while I was in the States -
1. Working pay phones are almost impossible to find. When I was in SF I had to go to the subway to find a phone.
2. Internet cafes are a thing of the past. Almost everywhere offers free wifi, but there always a catch.

Hence the reason this blog was never updated. Now I'm back, I'll get down to re-telling some of the stories. Before I go into anymore details on what went down, I decided to make a "good dudes" and "dicks" list for the people I met while I was away. I'll start with the good dudes.

Good dudes, in no particular order;

All the DC crew for getting me out there - Jake, Cherice, Ben, James
Eric Dressen - no radder person out there than this guy.
Paul Merrell - Best Santa Cruz tour guide
Andrew Mecum from DLX
Felix Arguelles
Daniel Castillo
Joey Brezinski (or "manny mania" as I kept yelling out because I was too drunk)
The family from Santa Cruz who took me to dinner in SF
Lenny, the burger guy at the X Games
Jeff Kendall
Novak - funny guy
FTC guys for showing me the spots
Ron Whaley
Troy and Col from Element
YCH crew
and surprisingly, Mary Murphy makes the cut.

Dicks list;

Colin McKay
Danny Sargeant
The dude who showed me his gun
The guy complaining who sat in front of me on the plane.

More to come.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


So I know everyones been hating on me for not updating this thing....

3 reasons;

1. I have no laptop, and there's no net cafe nearby. (I'm in Downtown L.A. there's nothing going on the weekends here)

2. I can't update from my IPhone.

3. I have been too busy going out every day and every night.

So get over it. I fly to SF tomorrow so I'll get down to posting pics then. The short of it, basically have been at the XGames every night, went to the Fantasy Factory for a party, met loads of crew, and am going to the Berrics on Friday with Felix. (I'll call you Thursday man)

Everyone else, be patient, I'm still hungover.

Love you Kristy!!